Soul Realignment® is the key to establishing balance mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Alignment between WHO YOU ARE, at soul level, prior to your social conditionings, and WHAT YOU DO, at the level of action, in your career, whether in employment or business. Alignment of the 4 levels of your being: spiritual, physical, mental and emotional.

WHO YOU ARE: When you know who you are but are not expressing it in your career, you will still feel ungrounded, regardless of the spiritual practice you have on the side. No amount of weekend retreats or after work meditation makes up for 40 hours a week in a job that does not allow for your divine self-expression.

WHAT YOU DO. Your job might not be a bad one at all but you still feel unfulfilled as if you have another purpose or other ambitions.  Therefore, when you don’t know who you are at soul level, you ignore how you are naturally wired to operate. If the way you are going about doing what you do is not right for you, no amount of career change will resolve your inner feeling of inadequacy.

When you can express WHO YOU ARE into WHAT YOU DO (and how you do it) you consistently create ALIGNMENT in your life. You can achieve balance and fullfulment, because you don’t have to be two different people between your professional life and your personal life. This unlocks the path of least resistance characterised by the removal of the blocks, restrictions and negative karmic patterns held at soul level

Unlock Your Truth Session – $200

  • This unique session is a combination of alternative healing therapy and Soul Realignment.
  • Includes one 1 consultation (30 minutes) & one 90 minute unlock your truth session. The consultation and session are done remotely, via Zoom (with optional recording), WhatsApp, or Instagram chat.

Click here for more information

Property Realignment Reading – $125

  • This session is for any home owner, tenant or business owner that wishes to clear negative energy and balance the atmosphere within their property.
  • Includes a 30 minute consultation and a 30 minute session.  The consultation and session are done remotely, via WhatsApp, Telegram, or Zoom (with optional recording) .

Click here fore more information
