Price: $125

Following a Soul Realignment®, you may consider clearing your home, to align with the energetic vibration you have reset to. This is possible when you rent or own your home, this is done remotely.

Properties and houses energetically absorb the experiences of whoever is living under their roof. Sometimes they can draw energy of the events that have happened on that soil many years or centuries before. In fact, an assignment of land decreed long time ago could affect the property built on it.

Properties and houses energetically absorb the experiences of whoever is living under their roof. Sometimes they can draw energy of the events that have happened on that soil many years or centuries before. In fact, an assignment of land decreed long time ago could affect the property built on it.

Sometimes we become vibrationally misaligned to the property we live in because of negative energies attached to the property, thought forms, and even entities/ spirits). This can negatively affect our mood and drain our energy. If our vibration is low (stress, anxiety, depression, doubt, and so on), negative entities may draw from our energy causing even more discomfort.

If you are asking yourself one or more of the following questions, you may benefit from property realignment.

●   Do you feel uncomfortable at times in your home?

●   Property won’t sell and is sitting on the market instead?

●   Working from home and often feeling uncomfortable, distracted, or energetically drained?

●   Maybe things go missing and suddenly reappear?

●   Just moved in and want to clear the energy from previous occupants?

●   Own a place of business and are dealing with a lot of negativity among employees or from competitors?

●   Are you suspecting the presence of spirits (sensing a presence, feeling watched, or even hearing noises)?

●   Want to get rid of heavy energy in your home after a period of illness/ discord or after undergoing positive shifts yourself feeling out of sync with your old environment?

Negative energetic phenomena can make us uncomfortable in our home, turn potential customers away from a business, or turn potential buyers away from an otherwise great house on sale!

Property clearing can clearing can be beneficial for a multitude of reasons!

This is energy clearing is done by retrieving information from the Akashic Records and the field of the property. The property clearing works to release entities, Earthbound spirits (ghosts), and other manners of energies that disturb your sacred space and are engaging in energetic programs affecting your field without you being aware of. This clearing process allows the unwanted energy/ or entity to move on and transition as they should!

This property clearing session includes the placement of protective spheres to shield from negative energies and increase the divinity of the space around you.

I perform an energetic realignment remotely clearing of a home, office, business, or land of negative energies and entities through the Akashic Records. I will locate the property in the Akashic Records with the property address.

Please state the following details when booking this reading:

Owner of property or tenant name & complete postal address. (confirmation of findings and clearing by email or phone).
